
Dogs & Designers: Something to Wag Our Tail About

At Fräsch, our love of creating and of the A&D Community is rivaled only by our love of dogs—we’re a bit impartial to our office dog, Jill!

With the help of loyal pack members Workplace Resource and PinkGemini, we were fortunate to combine our interests to benefit four-legged friends in our local community, inspiring some camaraderie, competition and charitable donations in the process.

Using dog houses designed and precision-cut from PET in-house, local designers and architects were challenged to reimagine the structures in near-limitless ways; the only stipulation was that the corporate logo needed to be visible in the finished design. With long leashes, the designers created one-of-a-kind pieces that any dog would be proud to call their own.

The dog houses were put on display for judging at two events, one in Austin at Meanwhile Brewery and the second at Hops & Hounds in San Antonio. Up for grabs were first, second and third place prizes and the highly coveted “People’s Choice Award,” not to mention bragging rights.

All proceeds raised benefitted Austin Pets Alive and the Animal Defense League of Texas, two groups dedicated to enhancing the lives of abandoned, abused or neglected dogs. In addition to helping these worthwhile organizations, it was so nice to meet and mingle with like-minded industry professionals in safe and welcoming environments.

Congratulations to our winners and our heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped to plan, organize, participate in—and enjoy—these events!

Our Workplace Pal – Jill
Our Workplace Pal – Jill

Austin Winners

1st Prize: Stantec, Austin Office:

1st place winner
1st place winner

2nd Prize: Mary Helen Pratte:

2nd Prize: Mary Helen Pratte

3rd Prize: Studio Six5

San Antonio Winners

1st Prize: Gensler San Antonio (Dick Lew)

1st place winner
1st place winner

2nd Prize: Jennifer Williams (Designer for the US Army, Fort Sam Houston)

2nd place winner
2nd place winner

3rd Prize: McKinney York, San Antonio Office (Architect: Ko Kuwabara)

3rd place winner
3rd place winner

People’s Choice Award: Marmon Mok

People's Choice
People's Choice

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